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FrostsBite (Caleb Serafin)


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User Since
Jul 7 2019, 10:52 PM (296 w, 5 h)

Recent Activity

Jul 2 2024

FrostsBite added a comment to T182389: Add IN multiple values check operator.

In C#, one would use the is, or, and operators with braces which the compiler lowers into comparison checks.
example for C#:

if (damageContext.damageType is EDamageType.COLLISION or EDamageType.FIRE or EDamageType.REGENERATION)

Note in the lowering process on the right side, the compiler attempts to use any possible optimisation to skip unnecessary checks. In this case it does a bounds check since two of the enum options were adjacent.

Jul 2 2024, 10:43 AM · Arma Reforger

Jan 7 2022

FrostsBite added a comment to T155638: HoldActions fade if longer than 15 seconds.

If addAction is not changed at the engine level, there are a few workarounds to achieve the desired effect.
If the user's action menu is closed, and then looks at a new object with an addAction (Or it appears on his body): The addAction window text will not fade.

Jan 7 2022, 4:15 PM · Arma 3