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- User Since
- Jul 31 2015, 4:11 PM (501 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
FrankCastle added a comment to T115573: Offroad and Bus not able to move and shivering when attaching wheels. 0.59.131009.
Seconded, 4x4 at spawn sight (Kamarovo) doing same thing tried every thing to get it moving, came "unglued" after restart. Only to become stuck again later at my base. Bug can be resolved at restart or if another player drives vehicle it will move, and then function normally for all players.
FrankCastle edited Steps To Reproduce on T113321: Unable to fire any weapon..
FrankCastle edited Steps To Reproduce on T113283: Jumping fence with weapon in hands..
FrankCastle added a comment to T113277: [Primary Report] Weapons In Hand and Inventory VERY Frequently Disappear | New Bug - (0.58.129052).
Just noted same problem, 7 occasions 2 different weapons, always while moving weapon in hands re-slings or re-holsters if room otherwise drops on ground.
FrankCastle edited Steps To Reproduce on T113203: Black lake Car Park entry left side ground acts like quick sand..
FrankCastle set Category to category:structures on T113144: Berinzo Fire House Stairs 1st to second floor.
FrankCastle set Category to category:glitchabuse on T113040: Player(s) able to move and peek through NW Airfield permiter wall on Western Side.