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- User Since
- Dec 16 2013, 11:21 PM (587 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Encore added a comment to T97312: Sudden Death by Tuna.
Was this on experimental ?
I had just now a similar problem, I emptied a ammo box(not the big one, one you can find with some ammo in there) and i instantly died after pushing "empty".
I can remember that I was attacked by invisible zombies just before and I lay down as I emptied it.
Encore added a comment to T88245: still possible to spawn in novy sobor.
Yeah had the same experience. Upvoted.
Encore added a comment to T87866: canopen map on TestServer.
It is not helping when you're posting irrelevant stuff. This will just take the already limited time from the devs. Please close this post.
Encore added a comment to T86954: Eating baked beans is resulting in quenching thirst..
Didn't know that baked beans can add water.
Encore set Category to category:items on T86954: Eating baked beans is resulting in quenching thirst..
Encore set Category to category:structures on T86949: Sun is shining through the roof of a barn..
Encore edited Steps To Reproduce on T86948: Can open a door which is a story under me..