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- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 1:19 PM (585 w, 5 d)
Oct 6 2023
Oct 6 2023
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Dragens set Category to category:structures on T88738: falling down from Some ladders at new cherno living quaters.
Dragens set Category to category:items on T88737: Gas-lamp does not emit light, in Hands HDR full blackened at night.
Dragens set Category to category:performance on T88735: Hickups in Gameperformance.
Dragens set Category to category:performance on T88733: Poor performance ins cities.
Dragens set Category to category:inventory on T88729: Inventory has "pickup" delays.
Dragens set Category to category:structures on T88727: Able to push player out of a Building through the wall.
Dragens set Category to category:controls on T88726: The Mouse Acceleration is not deactivatable and inverted. The slower I move the mouse the faster the movement gets.