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Jun 22 2013, 12:45 PM (613 w, 4 d)

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May 10 2016

DrHat added a comment to T74621: [Physics] - Armoured Vehicles - Quirky and Unmanly.

You are right of course, the humor is inappropriate...I was merely trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Nevertheless I still feel this is an important issue that should be addressed sooner rather than later.

May 10 2016, 7:16 AM · Arma 3
DrHat added a comment to T74621: [Physics] - Armoured Vehicles - Quirky and Unmanly.

Update 1: Added first screenshot to demonstrate what I mean

May 10 2016, 7:16 AM · Arma 3
DrHat added a comment to T74621: [Physics] - Armoured Vehicles - Quirky and Unmanly.

Thank you for the support - I feel the issue, if addressed, will do a lot about the overall feel of the game and steer the feel in a positive direction.

May 10 2016, 7:16 AM · Arma 3
DrHat added a comment to T74621: [Physics] - Armoured Vehicles - Quirky and Unmanly.

Oh great just what I need, a boring and self-appointed internet psycho-analyst with no reading comprehension and the sense of humor of a mountain goat..yes I can't feel manly without crushing things with a tank in a video game, that is exactly what I said. In fact if this issue doesn't get fixed soon; I might be forced to wear these high heels and this, otherwise dashingly beautiful and flowery, dress for even longer, and I haven't even figured out what lipstick goes with it yet, let alone eyeshade.

This is made even worse by the fact that, having no manliness I have no concept of self-confidence and continuously whine to myself in the mirror about how I need to lose weight and that my bum looks too big in this outfit; and the only possible cure for this, is crushing every imaginable thing under the armored track of an MBT - surely you can see why this issue is important.

If for nothing else, the tank goes well with my dress and this marvelous nail polish I just picked up.

May 10 2016, 7:16 AM · Arma 3
DrHat edited Steps To Reproduce on T74621: [Physics] - Armoured Vehicles - Quirky and Unmanly.
May 10 2016, 7:16 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

DrHat added a comment to T62290: Cricket sounds are buzzing.

Even *IF* it a loud insect (thats what everyone says and I tend to agree), the way it is done in the game is NOT, I repeat, NOT! how sound waves work - The sound is omnidirectional and is always 100% loud. There is no middle ground, or distance, or altitude involved with this stuff and has no respect for where you actually are (mountains, runway, SEA (SEA FOR HEAVENS SAKE!), tree-less areas etc)..Whether you like this so much, out of pure devotion to the concept of "the devs can do no wrong" or something else, it doesn't change the FACT! That this is not how any sound IN THE WORLD, works.

May 9 2016, 11:55 PM · Arma 3
DrHat added a comment to T62290: Cricket sounds are buzzing.

Bohemia, do change THIS!

Will that make an equal impact as AD2001? It should...

Now onto being a little more serious about this: It isn't as though that those of us who want this particular issue addressed, think that these creatures aren't real, nor that they don't make a loud sound..not at all. We're saying that whatever sound this is, it isn't accurately representing the real sound and even if it did, it is much MUCH too loud and behaving in a much too arbitrary way.

As I stated earlier

"the sound itself is ambiguous and comes from a random direction without the *SLIGHTEST* hint of distance, elevation or otherwise - It's just 100% loud. (Hint: THIS IS NOT HOW SOUND WORKS! Never mind in real life. Look up "Sound waves" and the "Doppler Effect")

Secondly, the sound is EVERYWHERE - you can be on the highest mountain, the lowest valley, or even at a *paved airbase* and the sound will suddenly jump at you out of thin air. This makes no sense *AT ALL*."

I implore you to consider these points and act appropriately.

May 9 2016, 11:55 PM · Arma 3
DrHat added a comment to T62290: Cricket sounds are buzzing.

I must object on the strongest possible terms, against all the people downvoting this.

For one, the sound itself is ambiguous and comes from a random direction without the *SLIGHTEST* hint of distance, elevation or otherwise - It's just 100% loud. (Hint: THIS IS NOT HOW SOUND WORKS! Never mind in real life. Look up "Sound waves" and the "Doppler Effect")

Secondly, the sound is EVERYWHERE - you can be on the highest mountain, the lowest valley, or even at a *paved airbase* and the sound will suddenly jump at you out of thin air. This makes no sense *AT ALL*.

Thirdly, the sound is much much too frequent. Simulation all you like, but I'm in a situation of constantly having my sound nearly overwhelmed by this loud buzzing noise and it having it happen quite often.

Fourthly, good grief I don't know where you find your electronic Cicadas, but I've now spent the past *HOUR* looking up sound clips from Cicadas (Because I'm not familiar with them and I wanted to make sure I wasn't know, honest research) and I might have found 1 or 2 that might..just MIGHT have some slight resemblance (though not NEARLY as mechanical sounding). But you know what I also found? I found that even in large concentrations, these small critters don't make that sound and it is a lot less invasive than what is in the game, and a LOT LESS random like it is in game.

Point being: Let me turn this sound off, or give me a "Cicada volume" slider - I've never asked for something this specific, in ANY game, because I usually LOVE sounds (I'm actually an audiophile) ..but this is too much.

May 9 2016, 11:55 PM · Arma 3
DrHat added a comment to T62290: Cricket sounds are buzzing.

Okay so they sound like that in real life..fine, but its still way too loud, its disruptive to the experience and to my ears, even when my sound is at a very reasonable level.

Saying its "realism" isn't an argument that makes it okay to damage my hearing or for having sounds that get on people's nerves :-/

May 9 2016, 11:55 PM · Arma 3
DrHat added a comment to T62290: Cricket sounds are buzzing.

Turn on your sound? :-/

May 9 2016, 11:55 PM · Arma 3
DrHat added a comment to T62290: Cricket sounds are buzzing.

You must be joking..The sound is extremely invasive to my experience, I have no way of turning off unless I turn off any other environmental sound, it sounds like a broken piece of electronic equipment, or a robot insect..

Please, PLEASE reconsider your view on this as it is an extremely annoying sound and is always out of sounds so unnatural and fake and loud compared to anything else.

May 9 2016, 11:55 PM · Arma 3