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- User Since
- Apr 22 2013, 7:20 PM (619 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
I get 40-60 fps in workshop missions single player, but when connecting to multiplayer servers it is always like 7-15 fps, and it is not getting better since spring at all
gtx 650 Ti, 4xcore AMD,8Gb ram
koji će ti to kurac uopće
May 9 2016
you should not downvote something because there are more important things by your opinion, you downvote it you dont want it ever to be implemented
dont know why i had to say it here, cause I dont care about toilets
I get 40-60 fps in workshop missions single player, but when connecting to multiplayer servers it is always like 7-15 fps, and it is not getting better since spring at all
gtx 650 Ti, 4xcore AMD,8Gb ram
I get 40-60 fps in workshop missions single player, but when connecting to multiplayer servers it is always like 7-15 fps, and it is not getting better since spring at all
gtx 650 Ti, 4xcore AMD,8Gb ram
Same problems as everyone else here
30-40 in single player/editor, 10-20 in multiplayer
I have similar issues in Arma2, gpu running bellow full load.
If I could knew that buying new cpu would sort this out I would buy it but I dont want to waste money for nothing.
nvidia 650Ti
amd 4 cores @ 3.1GHz
8Gb Ram