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Oct 18 2013, 3:08 PM (593 w, 4 d)

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May 10 2016

Dodgernot added a comment to T80827: Every time I boot Arma 3 up, it crashes my entire PC and a hard restart is required..

So... I just testet the game again, same crash. Reinstalled it, same crash.
And instead of listing the ticket as need more info, it would be great if you acctualy tried to figure out what is wrong. I don't think I have been able to play for about 9 months now. And having to hard reset my pc everytime i try isn't realy healthy for my system. Some feedback from BIS on what they are doing to address this issue (if anything) would be much appresiated.

May 10 2016, 10:11 AM · Arma 3
Dodgernot added a comment to T80827: Every time I boot Arma 3 up, it crashes my entire PC and a hard restart is required..

I have the same issue. And it has been like this off and on since alpha, without any hardware changes between it not working and sometimes working. No other games or programs are acting like this. So please don't close this thread without a solution, like you have done with all the other tickets with the same issue. THIS IS A REAL PROBLEM! So stop blaming it on overclocking, overheating or other software because the few times it has been working I have logged 115hours. From all I have seen this seems to only affect AMD GPU's. I am running a HD7970. Sometime before christmas it was suddenly working, and with all kinds of mods and peripherals as well. Now it won't even show me a splash screen without my computer crashing.

May 10 2016, 10:11 AM · Arma 3
Dodgernot added a comment to T74209: Game Crash resulting in no video signal; no sound; PC unresponsive reboot necessary.

Same problem here. Had it since alpha. Only works on my laptop. I have read and tested all kinds of things suggested here and other forums. Nothing helps. But my main concern now is that BIS dosn`t seem to take the problem serious... All posts on this problem are either closed or has a status of "needs more info".
What would be nice was if you maybe could give us, the community some info on what you are doing to fix the problem?

May 10 2016, 7:07 AM · Arma 3