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- Mar 7 2013, 9:34 AM (623 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
NO HELO ejection...seriously? enough with abrade features.
agree with post. two types of ammo gives a realistic choice for mission.
May 9 2016
thank you for looking into this. Please see the work ACE and Mando did. Mando did a great job bringing real world missile physics into the game.
that's great, that doesn't mean when you fire a missile it should leave your aircraft cover 4 miles and hit your target all in under 2 seconds. Sorry. at that speed, it would take around 5.5 to 6 seconds to reach the target, but most likely 7 to 8 as it has to get to that speed from a stand still.
well since were so concerned about getting everything dead on exact, lets get rid of the BS arcade style radars in the little birds and various other vehicles have no such thing. This has plagued arma for years and has only been corrected with mods such as ACE.
reach out to 47 pilot as well, he fly's Chinooks in the real world.
I will take some time and fly, and write down in my notes any suggestions I come up with.
After flying on the beta, you are on the right track, however the helicopters still feel very off. They don;t drop like they should, and the collective still seems unresponsive. Basic maneuvers you pull off in ARMA II are still not achievable in Arma III.
Also, in the beta, you cannot get a chopper to auto rotate. This needs to be addressed as well. In terms of flying helicopters, While its an improvement, it still has a long way to go before matching arma II, let alone exceeding it.
thanks 47 pilot, appreciate the back up.
Thanks twiggy, that IS EXACTLY what is missing, and needs to be fixed. You could do this in arma II
hmm, I have flown anaolog for years on arma. ARMA II is much better then this, and ARMA II still needed improvement. to be honest, ACE did a really good job smoothing out ARMA II's flight characteristics.
I use a flight stick with thrusters. The collective is way off. I have been playing this series for 12 years and this is the worse the choopers have ever felt.
BTW DEATH, you need a realistic collective because the way it is now, it limits you greatly in how you can take evasive action. You should be able to nose up, dump your collective, and drop on a dime when needed. As it sits, you can't do this. The controls should be modeled after real flight, not make believe because its easier for the inexperienced.
Here is a post by a real pilot.
since i am a helicopter pilot in real life - i can tell you guys that you have done excellent work making the controls quite close to real life . just the collective should be way more sensitive to inputs.
Because the helicopter should be able to make so called quick stop from almost any speed without gaining almost any altitude. And in life it is done by quickly rising nose up close to 45 degrees and at the same time collective max down.
This is very important when you are approching combat area with speed and need quickly stop to drop out solders and get away again....
also it is really needed in air to air or air to ground combats...
at the same time it is needed when even in straght and level flight you drop your collective down - helicopter should loose altitude quite fast ...
i hope it is possible to solve it by adding some kind of sensitivnes of the collective in control options menu.
here you can see someone doing a quickstop i found in youtube with small helicopter.
txs Paul
Auto rotation is when you disengage the clutch and use the momentum to get to the ground. You reengage right before landing. This is not that.
No I sat at a hover, and it takes very long to lose altitude. The chopper also does not pull hard enough when inverted. If you are in a hover, and drop the collective, you should lose altitude much quicker then in the alpha. This needs to be corrected.
What a steamy pile of shit this report is and all the comments in it. Corona, mad respect to you for keeping it within the bounds of reality.
What those who have never been in combat or anything like it don't understand, is that a man's natural instinct to protect woman often overrides their rational thought. This can lead to a dangerous situation, i.e., the medic consoling the sobbing woman while under fire when there were troops with legitimate mortal wounds in need of medical aid. Israel experienced this very issue, and pulled women off from front line combat roles shortly because of the chaos it created among the front line infantrymen.
fact is, life is not fair, the world is not perfect, and we are not all equal. Gender and otherwise.
Now, lets please find the REAL issues that need fixing by BIS so we can all get back to helping make a great game we all love. Leave the Liberal progressive BS for HALO.