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- User Since
- Nov 14 2019, 9:40 PM (280 w, 9 h)
Nov 26 2019
What building is it in?
Nov 21 2019
I would love to give a guarantee, but challenges could present themselves just being honest. What I can say is if you share what you know it definitely will be worked on to find a resolution
Nov 20 2019
Should it be fixed, absolutely. Have we experienced a lot of issues, yes. Would it benefit everyone to have no issues with the game, of course. Yes Dayz has been out for some time. Dayz started as a mod. Mods can be great but can be difficult to turn into a full stand alone game. Imagine if you were in college and you buy a cheap car. It's a good car, but basic and you want to add a few things to it to make it more fun. You continue to change it up. The car then starts to take notice from others. It has a lot of attractive features about it but it's still that cheap car that keeps braking down and in order to keep the fans of your car still smiling you need it to perform like a Ferrari. You basically have to rebuild the whole car. Might have been easier to just start working on a Ferrari from the beginning. Dayz only had less then 2 years of being a mod to going to full stand alone. Most well known titles/games have 10 or so years of development put into them. There are games right now that would blow your mind but won't even be talked about until another 5 years because the developers are still working on it. Dayz is almost 5 years old as the standalone version and has come a long way and built up a huge fan base that sees the potential of it going even further. Without new content veteran players aren't getting what they need and quit. So there has to be a balance between bugs and new material. The game has to keep evolving and marketing well to attract new players and retain current players. Are bugs a top priority, yes. I can also tell you I haven't made millions nor anyone I work with. The company takes that money and pumps it right back into the game. You are right and it is frustrating, that issues need fixed. Some things are easy and some you have to take a part the whole engine and find Ferrari parts to fit onto it and then hope they stay compatible with other parts because most times when you change one thing you have to change several more due to the one being changed. I hope that makes sense and helps.
So do you think it is best to refund...let's say everyone's money back and close the game or try to work on the game more and let the 4 million + players to keep playing?
@Nytlenc our intentions are one in the same then.
Nov 19 2019
I would be curious to know if this gate was glitched, how you broke it?
Nov 18 2019
Could someone have taken down the walls and tent? Is it just you on the server? Typically that wouldn't be a bug. It would either be a server rollback or stolen by another player
I remember an issue with a base disappearing. Was yours the one on NWAF? Walls disappeared, car tent disappeared?
Sure it's frustrating, but you can't expect Dayz to be at that level yet. Would it be nice, yeah. Should it be since everyone is paying good money, yeah. But the risk was taken to charge that much, so more could be added into the game. Dayz has had a huge following for a long time. Over a thousand servers, so maybe it deserves 50 to purchase. If the price was half then you'd be really complaining about the bugs. Reporting bugs and complaining are two different things.
You guys do know this game is built from a mod right? A lot of good games that have this level of detail can take 5-10 years to develop. This game started as a mod 6 years ago. It has huge potential. It's far from even being finished. Developers like Rockstar, Gigi have the money to work on a game for years before even talking about it. Dayz was modded from Arma. It didn't have the years of development nor a huge development team at the start. You're just a kid though, I'm guessing you wouldn't understand what even goes on. So either work around the bugs or just go to another game. This one is probably a bit too challenging for you to emotional handle especially with the bugs.
Nov 16 2019
It could be a high ping issue then based on your internet and location of the server
Nov 15 2019
As much as I would like to help you, Dayz does not have a difficulty setting. I would like to address a few of your concerns;
Nov 14 2019
Your game file cache needs reset. The steps to resolve this are listed below. This will need to be done on your account and your friends account.
Currently dropping a bag to switch to another item will not create a no message received or crash the server. This could have been caused by another player on your server in an effort to duplicate. Replacing those items is not an option at this time on PS4. However the loot spawn rates of guns is being worked on to rebalance server drop rates.
This will not be featured in the next update, however duplicating will be addressed. We feel without duplicated items, servers and players will feel a more balanced loot spawn system. Also to note, community servers will see a more detailed feature to adjust loot spawns to help balance for their own communities play style.
If the meat was burnt, use charcoal tablets. Nobody wants the taste of a burnt steak in them.
I believe I can help. First, I have a few questions.