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Fix the game please.
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So basically refund my $52 and delete the game from my ps4 account or do everyone a solid and fix the issues with the game... the only issue I absolutely cannot stand at this point is putting items into a box, barrel, tent etc.. and having to wait until a server reset to get my items back out when trying to secure a base kinda pointless to even try and do the survival part of the game because of this just call it battlefield because the entire game is based more around pvp then actually surviving before long you all will have created the same name as zenimax 🤮 before anyone comments saying ohh they are working super hard to fix these types of things just know this game has been on pc since 2011 with the same issues..


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Put a few items in any given storable thing in the game and try to take it back out.

Additional Information

Just fix it.

Event Timeline

Csmith created this task.Nov 20 2019, 5:59 AM

So do you think it is best to refund...let's say everyone's money back and close the game or try to work on the game more and let the 4 million + players to keep playing?

Yes you’re game having the same bugs for let’s be generous and say 5years + with a fan base as high as it is and not solving the issues making millions from the game is a joke as bad as zenimax “oh I know we have problems making the game crash every 10 minutes and base building taking 20hrs because of our bullshit servers but here’s a new map” seems pretty accurate no? The issues everyone is complaining about should have already been fixed IMO you could sale the game now pocket all the money you have gained and any other publisher would still buy the game because of the simplicity it takes to make the money from a game like this why not fix the issues and keep from losing you’re fan base and killing a game everyone enjoys? And you can’t even say you all have been working on a inventory bug since beta for this game it should have been fixed no excuses.

Should it be fixed, absolutely. Have we experienced a lot of issues, yes. Would it benefit everyone to have no issues with the game, of course. Yes Dayz has been out for some time. Dayz started as a mod. Mods can be great but can be difficult to turn into a full stand alone game. Imagine if you were in college and you buy a cheap car. It's a good car, but basic and you want to add a few things to it to make it more fun. You continue to change it up. The car then starts to take notice from others. It has a lot of attractive features about it but it's still that cheap car that keeps braking down and in order to keep the fans of your car still smiling you need it to perform like a Ferrari. You basically have to rebuild the whole car. Might have been easier to just start working on a Ferrari from the beginning. Dayz only had less then 2 years of being a mod to going to full stand alone. Most well known titles/games have 10 or so years of development put into them. There are games right now that would blow your mind but won't even be talked about until another 5 years because the developers are still working on it. Dayz is almost 5 years old as the standalone version and has come a long way and built up a huge fan base that sees the potential of it going even further. Without new content veteran players aren't getting what they need and quit. So there has to be a balance between bugs and new material. The game has to keep evolving and marketing well to attract new players and retain current players. Are bugs a top priority, yes. I can also tell you I haven't made millions nor anyone I work with. The company takes that money and pumps it right back into the game. You are right and it is frustrating, that issues need fixed. Some things are easy and some you have to take a part the whole engine and find Ferrari parts to fit onto it and then hope they stay compatible with other parts because most times when you change one thing you have to change several more due to the one being changed. I hope that makes sense and helps.

Csmith added a comment.Feb 7 2020, 8:22 AM

So I like the changes so far so a big congratulations to you and your team!! Servers are running a bit more smoothly as well but is there anyway to do away with the water under the map for an even better fps???