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Mar 4 2014, 5:56 AM (575 w, 19 h)

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May 10 2016

Crazydudeg47 added a comment to T73261: Combat stance- Nobody stands like that!.

@HaydenG and Oh take a look in some videos of soldiers in "Go pro cams", the only stand straight up when they are behind cover, and where the fuck did you took this one that the leg needs to be straight to give better stance? both legs slightly bent will reduce the recoil and take out majority of joint stress, you clearly need to go to the military for a while

May 10 2016, 6:33 AM · Arma 3
Crazydudeg47 added a comment to T73261: Combat stance- Nobody stands like that!.

@HaydenG Yes people stand like in the game, and is called "Wave" or "CQB Stance" the purpose is reduce silhouette, and improve stability, and absorption of the recoil, this is majorly used by Special operators since they receive better training, but was established in 2007 as the normal tactical carbine stance for BCT, try taking a look at House clearing videos from special units, and another thing, military train as they fight so the argument those are training is simply stupid, i simply suggest you go to the military for a while, or take some Classes with Tactical shooting and CQB before going out talking about what you clearly don't know

May 10 2016, 6:33 AM · Arma 3