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- User Since
- Jan 12 2015, 1:08 AM (531 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
CraftLourens set Category to category:general on T92687: BYPASS FOR TEXTURES DELETING KICK.
CraftLourens set Category to category:general on T89908: !!!WORKING DUPE!!!.
CraftLourens set Category to category:movement on T89899: I'm in sea.
CraftLourens added a comment to T86003: Game crashing when hosting multiplayer.
I found a solution, I increased swap file to 4gb (it was 3gb)
thats weird because I have 8 gigs of ram..
CraftLourens edited Additional Information on T86003: Game crashing when hosting multiplayer.
CraftLourens added a comment to T81731: Marksmen DLC: ASP-1 Kir very inaccurate.
Record video please. For me ASP-1 Kir is okay. Maybe you forgot about zeroing ? //Sorry for my bad english.