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Apr 18 2014, 6:43 PM (568 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

ClassyNarwhal added a comment to T97527: [SEVERE] DayZ freezes entire computer after few moments in-game, when game responds, I'm disconnected from the server..

I think my problem may be related to a harddrive issue, but I'm not sure. I opened up event viewer, and ran dayz. Once it froze, then unfroze, I looked at the viewer, and about 5 errors appeared during the time it was frozen, all the same, pointing to my harddrive. I've been messing around with the sata cables and power sources to try fix it.

May 10 2016, 9:42 PM · DayZ
ClassyNarwhal added a comment to T97527: [SEVERE] DayZ freezes entire computer after few moments in-game, when game responds, I'm disconnected from the server..

Okay, have uploaded dxdiag report and appdata files in zip folder.

May 10 2016, 9:42 PM · DayZ
ClassyNarwhal edited Steps To Reproduce on T97527: [SEVERE] DayZ freezes entire computer after few moments in-game, when game responds, I'm disconnected from the server..
May 10 2016, 9:42 PM · DayZ
ClassyNarwhal added a comment to T97431: Game freezes badly after some (short) play time.

I'm having the same problem, this really needs to be addressed.

May 10 2016, 9:39 PM · DayZ
ClassyNarwhal added a comment to T97273: Game freezes every 10-20 min.

Curious, I'm having a similar problem. When the game freezes, is it a hard freeze (I.e entire computer freezes, can't alt+tab, ctrl+alt+del, ect.) Does it always happen? Also, have you tried reinstalling the game, and replacing the battleye client? I will suggest something that helped me for a small amount of time, but I'm not sure how well it will work if your problem is the same as mine. Go here (, download the battleye client for dayz, and replace the one in your dayz folder with this one. This should let you play your game longer (When I say longer, maybe for about an hour before it freezes.) This works for me sometimes, but not always. It's nice to see other people are having the same problem as me.

May 10 2016, 9:33 PM · DayZ
ClassyNarwhal edited Steps To Reproduce on T97210: Game Freezes entire computer after 1-3 minutes in-game. Unable to alt+tab or ctrl+alt+del out..
May 10 2016, 9:31 PM · DayZ