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- User Since
- Apr 1 2015, 10:19 PM (518 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
I already read the status report, and I like the idea to make the game more difficult and push players to the northern part of the map, but if I have to change 5 servers to find loot even in towns where nobody normally goes, is a bit to much don`t you think. Maby I just wasn`t lucky enough to find loot, but for me it is to much of the realism.
totally agree with that, because the persistence isn`t working at all, the tents disapear and no loot there why should we keep it turned on? just let the admins turn it off so we can play normaly.
I had the exact same problem, I already made a report earlier about this.
This is a big issue in the version 0.55 because they said they will enable "real" persistence for tents, I just hope they will be able to fix this problem as soon as possible.
I really like the zombies how they act now, and i also like that it got a bit more challenging to kill them, but just for you to remember, it´s a zombie survival game. And i think in a zombie survival game the zombies should be more a threat then just a "friendly npc".
It got even worse for me, in the version 0.54 it worked completely fine for me and I had a average framerate of 40Fps. I just played the new version with my friend and it was terrible (his driving skills to) but the good thing is that it just happens if you are the pessanger. hope the dev´s will fix it soon.