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Jan 19 2014, 1:21 AM (581 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

Boulard83 added a comment to T92509: Ladder Slingshot!.

Happened to me today on top of the controll tower on the north-ouest airfeild.

My Character was really on top of the ladder, looking at my feet, clicked the ladder and BOOM slingshot to the ground, then quick screen to the ladder and then "you are dead".

I usually click ladders from 1-2 feet away. This time is was right on top. Can be the issue ?

May 10 2016, 6:41 PM · DayZ
Boulard83 added a comment to T86573: [PRIMARY LADDER THREAD].

Happened to me today on top of the controll tower on the north-ouest airfeild.

My Character was really on top of the ladder, looking at my feet, clicked the ladder and BOOM slingshot to the ground, then quick screen to the ladder and then "you are dead".

I usually click ladders from 1-2 feet away. This time is was right on top. Can be the issue ?

May 10 2016, 1:55 PM · DayZ