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User Since
Oct 17 2018, 12:15 PM (334 w, 19 h)

Recent Activity

Oct 17 2018

BoabySands created T133161: Disappearing Stashes on both Community & Official servers..
Oct 17 2018, 12:42 PM · DayZ
BoabySands added a comment to T133134: Magazines will not spawn inside weapons even when set to chance="1.00" in cfgspawnabletypes.xml 0.63148873 server.

Geez - your internal build may be working, but no servers on the current exp. branch version EVER spawn magazines in weapons. This is true on both community & official servers. I have seen literally hundreds of spawned weapons in the current build and not a single one of them had a magazine attached. Note - this is purely to do with the way loot is being spawned in. If a player drops a weapon that they have loaded a magazine into themselves, another player finding that weapon on the ground will see the magazine in the gun. Weapons spawned through the CLE never have magazines in them though.

Oct 17 2018, 12:24 PM · DayZ