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- User Since
- Aug 18 2013, 2:33 AM (603 w, 18 h)
May 10 2016
correct me if i am wrong, but the explosives used in a claymore is usually c4, so both should not explode when hit by a bullet.
okay i tried around a bit today. i was always in the dev build and had the same thing with the stable one.
it happens with every unit and with every launcher BUT i found out today that if i press the forward key while pressing the crouch while having the launcher in my hands lets me kneel down while moving forward. this does only work with the forward key and not with the others (left/right, back).
well, this is not really a solution to the problem, but at least know i know what i have to do to be able to kneel down! yay...
thanks for the notice, will close!
i just would like to know why somebody downvoted this?!
okay that actually helps me and explains a lot.
so it seems to be a problem in my end...will have another look into this