you cannot kneel down when you equipt your launcher first.
you can kneel down, then swap to your launcher and you keep kneeling.
you then can stand up, but cannot kneel down again.
not very major, but very anoying.
you cannot kneel down when you equipt your launcher first.
you can kneel down, then swap to your launcher and you keep kneeling.
you then can stand up, but cannot kneel down again.
not very major, but very anoying.
place a unit with a launcher on the map. swap to the launcher and try to kneel down.
It was downvoted probably because I can't reproduce this either. Using the dev build.
okay that actually helps me and explains a lot.
so it seems to be a problem in my end...will have another look into this
Try using the dev build. It's not mentioned in the changelog, but can't reproduce it. Using AAF rifleman (AT), and followed your steps.
This might be a goosechase, but what launcher / unit did you use exactly?
okay i tried around a bit today. i was always in the dev build and had the same thing with the stable one.
it happens with every unit and with every launcher BUT i found out today that if i press the forward key while pressing the crouch while having the launcher in my hands lets me kneel down while moving forward. this does only work with the forward key and not with the others (left/right, back).
well, this is not really a solution to the problem, but at least know i know what i have to do to be able to kneel down! yay...