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- User Since
- Sep 10 2023, 10:49 PM (80 w, 5 d)
Nov 5 2023
imagine spend a lot of money and time to build a server then a random crash came and kill your server
Oct 25 2023
i Dont think loot table i see loot spawn17353 because i tested the same files from my
other server is have Custom files like ammo weapons foods ........ and the same problem
after 4 testes as i sayed iboosted the loot (Vanilla types no mods) using DayZ Standalone Tools and i try manual using Notepad++ and i did not touch the dynamic event (deloot="0"/> Value and still the same problem
i setup fresh server no mods (btw i used just autorun and mmgs storage mods in other test servers ) itemes spawn but i think if i start boost gear a litle and remove some loot from the dynamic event (deloot="0"/>
will not spawn again i will test again and let you know later
Lol i deleted storage_1 in mpmissions / dayzOffline.chernarusplus / storage_1 is they are other way ?
i know that i wiped the server 6 times and wait some time and still they dont spawn
<type name="AK74"> <nominal>15</nominal> <lifetime>28800</lifetime> <restock>1800</restock> <min>3</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> </type>
no i try this on 1.23
Oct 24 2023
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<var name="AnimalMaxCount" type="0" value="60"/> <var name="CleanupAvoidance" type="0" value="100"/> <var name="CleanupLifetimeDeadAnimal" type="0" value="1200"/> <var name="CleanupLifetimeDeadInfected" type="0" value="330"/> <var name="CleanupLifetimeDeadPlayer" type="0" value="3600"/> <var name="CleanupLifetimeDefault" type="0" value="45"/> <var name="CleanupLifetimeLimit" type="0" value="50"/> <var name="CleanupLifetimeRuined" type="0" value="330"/> <var name="FlagRefreshFrequency" type="0" value="432000"/> <var name="FlagRefreshMaxDuration" type="0" value="3456000"/> <var name="FoodDecay" type="0" value="1"/> <var name="IdleModeCountdown" type="0" value="8000"/> <var name="IdleModeStartup" type="0" value="1"/> <var name="InitialSpawn" type="0" value="100"/> <var name="LootDamageMax" type="1" value="0.82"/> <var name="LootDamageMin" type="1" value="0.0"/> <var name="LootProxyPlacement" type="0" value="1"/> <var name="LootSpawnAvoidance" type="0" value="100"/> <var name="RespawnAttempt" type="0" value="2"/> <var name="RespawnLimit" type="0" value="20"/> <var name="RespawnTypes" type="0" value="12"/> <var name="RestartSpawn" type="0" value="0"/> <var name="SpawnInitial" type="0" value="1300"/> <var name="TimeHopping" type="0" value="60"/> <var name="TimeLogin" type="0" value="15"/> <var name="TimeLogout" type="0" value="15"/> <var name="TimePenalty" type="0" value="20"/> <var name="WorldWetTempUpdate" type="0" value="1"/> <var name="ZombieMaxCount" type="0" value="600"/> <var name="ZoneSpawnDist" type="0" value="300"/>
i know that and i validate Files they are clean , and this what is see in logs ;
The Same
[CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Mag_M14_20Rnd respawned:0, tests:0 missing:12
Oct 23 2023
Oct 22 2023
Sep 10 2023
I have the same problem in my server