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- User Since
- Sep 24 2014, 8:12 PM (547 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Atv821 edited Steps To Reproduce on T103755: Player briefly cannot move when transitioning from swimming to walking..
Atv821 edited Steps To Reproduce on T103754: Zombies enter water.
Atv821 edited Steps To Reproduce on T103749: Weapon optics do not transfer when attached to weapon and given to another player..
Atv821 added a comment to T103728: Loss of all character gear.
This has happened to me twice and my friend twice. You respawn at one of the default locations of the map, just as if you were killed and are a fresh spawn. I have been able to recover my character and gear by immediately logging off the server and logging back in.
Atv821 added a comment to T103716: Smersh vest not spawning at all.
I have found one at a crashed heli site located south of the runway at NWAB in a crashed russian helicopter that was sunk into the ground halfway. Never found one in a US helicopter crash. Vest was found on 9/22/14.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Atv821 added a comment to T101158: Fire station's and control tower's upper levels break legs and kill you.
Confirmed, killed at control tower at NEAB