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- Aug 14 2014, 8:40 PM (551 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Thanks. I guess this wasn't in the final 1.30 patch or? Because I'm still getting a lot of crashes.
I've added a second crashlog, but I'm not sure if they're a result of the same problem. The second one happened today while I was testing the 1.30hotfix
Thanks for the reply. Now it happened again..I've uploaded a new rpt file. The strange thing is that this time the scope ended up to be on the right side - for the first time. It happened at the end of the game session..maybe 1-4 minutes before the end (if that info helps with the rpt file) I found the problem. I've used the analog stick of a gamepad for jets to change the view and for some reason one of it's analog sticks seems to have an issue that it doesn't get correctly centered in neutral position. It's just so slightly off that I never saw it until I was in scope few...if it happened.
Sorry for your time...this obviously wasn't a game issue.
A short video showing the problem
I'm experiencing random crashes since the last arma update as well. Currently I'm playing only the koth mod, so I can't really tell if it happens in other situations as well. Usually it happens after half hour or hour of playing - have never seen those issues before. A file check via steam didn't helped.
Here are my dump files:
Usually I'm playing on the UK or FR servers hosted by inch, but I've had the same issue on other servers
May 9 2016
This is really a serious problem. I'm just playing Arma3 for a few weeks now but if there is one bug/problem that really annoys me it is the font.
Especially the 5 and 6 are way to similar, but also the 6 and 8. It's very hard to see the difference in the scope settings, but also in mods like altis life or king of the hill where I can't even read if something costs 55000 or 66000.
The big problem of the current font is that the bottom left part of the 5 goes already up again and almost builds a circle with the middle part of the 5 which makes it look pretty close to a 6. Same with the 6 where the top right goes way too much down to the middle like a 8.
A font where the numbers are way better readable is Calibri for example. Here is a screenshot of the current font with Calibri as an example next to it. The gap between the two red rectangles is way to small on the current one. If I play Arma 3 with a 1680x1050 resolution I almost need a magnifying glass to see the difference between a 5 and 6 or 6 and 8.
Please fix this problem or give us an option to use our own fonts while still keeping the game valid to join multiplayer servers.