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- User Since
- May 2 2014, 10:31 AM (565 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Amachie set Category to category:hardwareissues on T105287: Memory usage.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Amachie added a comment to T99258: Prone disabled.
alright, there IS a ticket for that. i will use that temporary workaround till they can solve the masterticket.
thanks mate.
Amachie added a comment to T99258: Prone disabled.
I have tried, it doesnt work.
Amachie set Category to category:controls on T99258: Prone disabled.
Amachie added a comment to T99202: Random death.
same thing happened again. logged into freshly restarted server, looted gear and suddenly, "you are dead" and broken leg message appeared. i was the only one in the server..
Amachie set Category to category:other on T99202: Random death.
Amachie added a comment to T99193: Scoped weapons not working correctly after 0.45 stable..
IRL soldiers must go to rehab after first shot of morphine..
Amachie added a comment to T99193: Scoped weapons not working correctly after 0.45 stable..
remove LRS and try, you can see that its about gun, not a character stuff.
Amachie added a comment to T99193: Scoped weapons not working correctly after 0.45 stable..
I think thats a "feature" that you cannot make a stabile shot after running. if you wait and hear that your character doesnt breathe heavily anymore, the scope doesnt wander around like a madman anymore.
Amachie edited Steps To Reproduce on T98570: Pistol issues.