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- User Since
- Dec 11 2013, 6:19 PM (579 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
AW_Conroy edited Steps To Reproduce on T78771: 2 Server crashes after a new player connects on an empty server.
AW_Conroy added a comment to T75124: FPS Drops around Exploded Tanks in Multiplayer.
It seems, that the creation of secondary explosions is not working as intended.
When the vehicle is destroyed, the script to start the secondaries is launched on every connected client. ([[_v,_int],"BIS_fnc_effectKilledSecondaries"] call bis_fnc_mp;)
That script will then in turn keep creating "SmallSecondary" vehicles, that are all global. (_b="SmallSecondary" createvehicle (_v modelToWorld _effect2pos);)