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May 22 2019

Tantoblades added a comment to T139655: Unfair death..

Please fix this game take it all down and restart from scratch with the same concept. I play pubg religiously, but dayz is the equivalent of a more detailed and in depth pubg because it adds more of a personal connection with your character and the loss of that character actually inspires feeling in you when you play. Dayz is so immersive and it has so much potential. This comment will just be brushed aside but if someone with influence is reading this then I ask that you take this game concept and bring it in to the future with reliable and visually appealing gameplay thankyou for your time.

May 22 2019, 8:41 PM · DayZ Xbox
Tantoblades created T139655: Unfair death..
May 22 2019, 8:29 PM · DayZ Xbox