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DaddyScott18320 added a comment to T189458: Server 4268.

I was playing on server 4268, it glitched when I was killing zombies.
I was on top of a sand bag attacking downwards. The zombies couldn't hit me, then the glitch started. I no longer could hit the zombies. The axe just went through them without connecting.
A few minutes later, my player started receiving hits from the zombies, however, I was still on top of the sandbags and no zombies were near me

Sat, Mar 1, 12:57 AM · DayZ Xbox
DaddyScott18320 added a comment to T189458: Server 4268.

I was playing on server 4268, it glitched when I was killing zombies.
I was on top of a sand bag attacking downwards. The zombies couldn't hit me, then the glitch started. I no longer could hit the zombies. The axe just went through them without connecting.
A few minutes later, my player started receiving hits from the zombies, however, I was still on top of the sandbags and no zombies were near me

Sat, Mar 1, 12:56 AM · DayZ Xbox
DaddyScott18320 created T189458: Server 4268.
Sat, Mar 1, 12:56 AM · DayZ Xbox
DaddyScott18320 created T189457: Server 4268.
Sat, Mar 1, 12:56 AM · DayZ Xbox