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Data Execution Prevention (DEP) shuts game down.
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I wouldn't have reported this but I've seen several other people with the same issue. For me personally I can play anywhere from 30 mins to 4 hrs before it shuts down. Maybe longer, I'm a poor judge of time when gaming. I've tried everything I can on my end as well as the others. We can't exempt the game from DEP and I've tried starting as Admin nothing works. I know the ones experiencing this are a minority but if you could please look into it, We would greatly appreciate it. If the problem is on our end feel free to slap me and tell what to do to fix it. I'll spread the word. :)I'm not that computer smart so please dumb down any answers as much as possible thanks.

Couple other systems having the same problem. I just took it from there post.
8 core 8320/8 gb ram/gtx 660 ftw edition

Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 2.66 4 GB Ram GTX 550 TI


Legacy ID
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

Logged back in and played more.

Event Timeline

PepperMilk set Category to Error Message.
PepperMilk set Reproducibility to Random.
PepperMilk set Severity to None.
PepperMilk set Resolution to Open.
PepperMilk set Legacy ID to 822531254.May 8 2016, 6:27 PM


are there any messages popping up on your screen when the game shuts down? "eg. application has stopped working" etc.

I play along fine. I usually get a connection problem. Red chain link with a counter. Then the screen goes black. I get a message the program has stopped working. that goes away and I get another message from Microsoft. "DayZ has stopped working: A problem has caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I click close program Then I get another notification. This one on the bottom right of my screen by the time, volume, network area. "Dayz was closed.: To help protect your computer, Data Execution Prevention has closed DayZ. I can click for more info which windows just tells me how to exempt a program from DEP but I can't Exempt DayZ.