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You can not tell UAV Items apart...
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


If you go into the Arsenal or Inventory you'll find that there are three UAV terminals, each serving a different faction. But apart from having a slightly different color in the inventory screen (Not even In-game) you can't tell them apart, the names are EXACTLY the same. The same exact rule applies to the Quad-copter UAV bags - They are INDISTINGUISHABLE from one another, except this time they have an in-game color to vaguely tell them apart... - I love Bohemia Interactive & I love ArmA 3, but there is no reason that this isn't fixed yet, Especially since there is a specific class-name for each one...
So, to fix, simply change the names in the Inventory & in the Arsenal So the player can tell which Therminal is for the OPfor, BLUfor, & Independent Factions... Thank you...


Legacy ID
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
Steps To Reproduce

1.Open the "Virtual Arsenal"...
2.Go to the "Termnals" tab...
3.Notice how you can not tell the three UAV-Terminals apart...
4.The same will apply for the UAV-Backpacks...
5.Both will also apply to the Inventory screen...

Event Timeline

badger3859 set Category to UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).
badger3859 set Reproducibility to Always.
badger3859 set Severity to None.
badger3859 set Resolution to Open.
badger3859 set Legacy ID to 311324327.May 8 2016, 1:07 PM
Chubbs added a subscriber: Chubbs.Sep 14 2016, 2:34 AM