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Arma 3 won't launch
Assigned, WishlistPublic



Since the last update (must be 1.54 something, can't check as I can't start the game), I am not able to launch Arma 3.
When I click "play" in the launcher, everything works fine. But as soon as Arma starts (black screen), an error message shows up (always the same) :

"The instruction at 0x000000000205DDC6 uses memory adress 0x0000000000000000. Memory state cannot be written."

This often happened in the past, but only twice in a row. Basically, the game would crash twice, and the third time it would run fine. This was not really an issue, but since the last update, it happens every single time. I've tried around 15 times.

This also happens to a friend of mine. {F27319}


Legacy ID
Error Message
Additional Information

I checked my Arma 3's files via Steam, but it did not solve the problem.
I've tried with and without mods.

Event Timeline

Kilian edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Oct 30 2015, 5:58 PM
Kilian set Category to Error Message.
Kilian set Reproducibility to Always.
Kilian set Severity to None.
Kilian set Resolution to Open.
Kilian set Legacy ID to 1541636774.May 8 2016, 1:01 PM
Adam added a comment.Nov 2 2015, 8:28 AM

Hello, we are sorry you are experiencing issues with our game.
Could you please export your game log files from the launcher?

Steps on how to export logs from ARMA 3 Launcher:

  1. Start ARMA 3 Launcher
  2. Click the Hamburger menu tab in the launcher (Top right corner. Next to Options (Cog wheel icon) and Minimize Button)
  3. Drop down menu will appear
  4. Select: Prepare Arma Troubleshooting error and save those files
  5. A notification will pop up with the name of the generated file

Please note that the files might take a while to collect.

Attach the generated files to the ticket. If the files are too big please use some free file sharing service.

Kilian added a subscriber: Kilian.May 8 2016, 1:01 PM
Kilian added a comment.Nov 2 2015, 3:31 PM

Alright. Well. Here is the report, but the game is working correctly again. I have not done anything, and no updates were released. It was the first time I really couldn't play at The Game since Alpha, so I guess two days out of 2 years isn't much of a big deal.

Anyways, hope this report will help, and a massive Thank you for the work you guys are providing.