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No longer able to letterbox 16:9 on 16:10 screen
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Hello. I like to game at 16:9 aspect ratio (2560x1440) on my 16:10 (2560x1600) monitor.

With every other game (and formerly, with Arma 3) this will add letterboxing to my screen in order to accurately display the aspect ratio.

However, since the 1.50 patch, Arma 3 no longer seems to do this. It now always stretches (distorts) to fit the full resolution of my screen, rather than appropriately letterboxing it.

It used to work. It still works with every other game I've tried it on (including DayZ standalone).

The reason I like to game at 16:9 on my monitor is for an easy, crop-free, workflow when recording footage.

It appears to be a bug with the latest (1.50) patch. Though, it could be from the patch prior to this one as well. I am not 100% positive, as I didn't play Arma 3 that much for several months.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Launch game. Set screen resolution that is a different aspect ratio to your monitor's native AR.

Adjust video card scaling settings (if necessary).

Adjust FoV settings in Arma3Profile config (if necessary).

The game will no longer letterbox non-native aspect ratios.

Event Timeline

Mobile_Medic set Category to Config.
Mobile_Medic set Reproducibility to Always.
Mobile_Medic set Severity to None.
Mobile_Medic set Resolution to Open.
Mobile_Medic set Legacy ID to 3966967356.May 8 2016, 12:40 PM