Since the sound engine now knows your surroundings it would be nice to have some of that knowledge accessible via scripting commands, the most useful command that comes to mind is the ability do determine if given object or position is inside a building.
So, something like:
isInBuilding <object/position>
<object/position> isInBuilding <building>
- Would return boolean based on whether the given unit/position is inside a or given building.
- Example: if (isInBuilding loon1) then {hint "loon1 is in the house"};
inBuilding <object/position>
- would return the building the given object/position is in
- Or go further and in case of object given would return an array of [<building>, <buildingPos the unit is possibly in>]
- Example: if ((inBuilding loon1 select 0) == (inBuilding player select 0)) then {hint "Look out! loon1 is there"};