Again, 'gets' for the several 'sets':
particleParams <CfgCloudlets class name/particle emitter>
particleRandom <CfgCloudlets class name/particle emitter>
particleCircle <CfgCloudlets class name/particle emitter>
particleInterval <CfgCloudlets class name/particle emitter>
particleFire <CfgCloudlets class name/particle emitter>
- would return the corresponding values from config defined particle class or from given emitter.
- Example: _smoke = "#particleSource" createVehicle (position wreck1); _smoke setParticleParams (particleParams "BigDestructionSmoke");
The above goes for all the setLightXXX commands, 'sets' should have 'gets':
lightAmbient <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
lightAttenuation <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
lightBrightness <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
lightColor <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
lightDayLight <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
lightFlareMaxDistance <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
lightFlareSize <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
lightIntensity <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
lightUseFlare <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
lightAttachedObject <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
lightDetached <CfgLights class name/particle emitter>
- self-explanatory, would return the corresponding light attribute from given CfgLights class or emitter
- Example: if (lightIntensity _light1 >= 10000) then {hint "ARGH I'm blind")
- Example: waitUntil{sleep 0.1; (_light1 setLightAmbient [(lightAmbient _light1 select 0)-0.01,(lightAmbient _light1 select 1)-0.01,(lightAmbient _light1 select 2)-0.01]; _light1 setLighIntensity ((lightIntensity _light1)-0.01); lightAmbient _light1 isEqualTo [0,0,0] && {lightIntensity _light1 <= 0}};
<CfgCloudlets class name/particle emitter> particleParam <param>
- would return the given individual particle param from config defined particle class or a given particle emitter
- Example: _rubbing = "MY_hugeFlame" particleParam "rubbing";
- Example: _lifetime = _smoke1 particleParam "lifeTime";
- Example: _damage = _fire1 particleParam "coreIntensity";
<particlesource> setParticleParam [<parameter>, <value>]
- for changing singular particle param
- Example: _smoke setParticleParam ["lifeTime", 2];
- Example (a bad one, but still): _smoke setParticleParams *huge particlearray here*; _timer = time; waitUntil{sleep 5; _smoke setParticleParam ["rubbing", (_smoke particleParam "rubbing")+0.01]; time - _timer >= 60};
particleClass <particle emitter>
- for returning given particle emitter's particle class set with setParticleClass (empty string if none found, of course)
- 'get' for a 'set'...
- Example: if ((particleClass _fire1) == "MY_hugeFlame") then {hint "on fire"}; - Example: if (count (particleClass _smoke1) == 0) then {hint "no smoke yet"};