Trigger activates by any unit on enter into trigger zone and deactivate on exit. But if unit enter trigger zone and killed inside trigger not fires when unit dead and not alive. If check thislist on alive units in trigger result is: ( {alive _x } count thislist > 0 ) == true - trigger think unit is still alive. If move body of unit from zone(setPos [0,0,0]) - nothing happens. weaponHolder is still inside trigger zone. Next move weaponHolder from trigegr zone (setPos [0,0,0]) and voila - trigger starts to work!!! Moving out weaponHolder first makes trigger work normal.
Here my trigger:
position[]={4325.0571,177.28111,4373.291}; a=10; b=10; rectangular=1; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="TR1"; expActiv="hint 'Act'"; expDesactiv="hint 'DeAct'"; class Effects