I recently got globaly banned by battle eye
I know for a fact I did not cheat
my account has not been stolen as far as I can see
I only play on BE protected server and host my own games so I expected to be protected from hackers by BE
out of no where and without warning I got globally banned - this in itself is both a bug and a violation of EU law
im more concerned with the bug part
the fact is if I would have gotten ANY kind of warning from battle eye about cheating , recognizing illegal behavior - ANYTHING
I would have stopped what I was doing immediately and contacted BE + BIS for support
so what am I proposing as a feature :
there is no reason to globaly ban someone forever , especially without warning
When a user is globaly banned its not that you lose a customer (or a customer base) but it also means you can accidently hurt people who have never done something wrong without "trial" and with no way of "redeeming" themselves
instead of a global ban I would suggest working with BE to implement a system that bans you for a long time period
for instance
First time ban - 1 week
Second time ban - 6 months
third time ban - 1 year
There is not even one single gamer out there who ,after being banned for 1 year would take a chance and hack again
after 1 year the slate should be clean and the three strike rule should apply
with a system like im proposing you would not lose your client base while still be able to punish those who cheat
in addition the first ban will also serve to warn the user something is going on
those that abuse the game must be punished but they should also get a
fair "trial" and not be judged for "life in prison" for a first offence
this would also help with people who where accidently banned as they know they could still return to play on BE servers in up to a year