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BattlEye system is flawed - Bans people without sufficent warning and for an unreasonable amount of time - even if it isnt true
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I recently got globaly banned by battle eye
I know for a fact I did not cheat
my account has not been stolen as far as I can see

I only play on BE protected server and host my own games so I expected to be protected from hackers by BE

out of no where and without warning I got globally banned - this in itself is both a bug and a violation of EU law

im more concerned with the bug part
the fact is if I would have gotten ANY kind of warning from battle eye about cheating , recognizing illegal behavior - ANYTHING
I would have stopped what I was doing immediately and contacted BE + BIS for support


so what am I proposing as a feature :
there is no reason to globaly ban someone forever , especially without warning

When a user is globaly banned its not that you lose a customer (or a customer base) but it also means you can accidently hurt people who have never done something wrong without "trial" and with no way of "redeeming" themselves

instead of a global ban I would suggest working with BE to implement a system that bans you for a long time period

for instance

First time ban - 1 week
Second time ban - 6 months
third time ban - 1 year

There is not even one single gamer out there who ,after being banned for 1 year would take a chance and hack again

after 1 year the slate should be clean and the three strike rule should apply

with a system like im proposing you would not lose your client base while still be able to punish those who cheat

in addition the first ban will also serve to warn the user something is going on

those that abuse the game must be punished but they should also get a

fair "trial" and not be judged for "life in prison" for a first offence

this would also help with people who where accidently banned as they know they could still return to play on BE servers in up to a year


Legacy ID
No Bug
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce

Get banned by BattlEye

As far as I know I have no hacking tools installed on my system
the only thing I can consider as a cheat is using mods from the workshop while hosting my own server ( I don't know if its even checked by BE)

I used a mod called "Simple Single Player Cheat Menu" as a kind of debugging tool for missions I host

with it I can activate zeus within the mission without having to pre define zeus

that way i can look at the mission from all aspects and see where i need to add or change something while my friends are doing QA for me on the mission

i later on reload the mission with the changes i note during the QA session

(i know the name says cheat but its a mod from the workshop it shouldn't be considered a cheat by BE)

can this be considerd a cheat by BE ?

Additional Information

im a Vetran of the Arma series (since it was called Operation flash point in fact)
I own all titles of the ARMA series (OFP , OFP:resistance , ARMA , ARMA2 ,ARMA 2 OA , ARMA3 - since ALPHA )
and all available DLCS - a little strange for someone who cheats isn't it ?

I am a small time modder , scripter and I have been a part of the community for close to 14 years now if im not mistaken

My VAC status is in good standing

if this ban is not lifted I would be forced to leave a community I love and really enjoy playing with ,modding for etc (not your concern just my own personal note)

Another issue with a global ban is that its not only for ever but for all games covered by BE - meaning I cant even return to play ARMA2 OA - getting banned even though I did nothing wrong is not enough

im also being banned from my community ? and forever ?

unless I buy the game under another steam identity

and what will prevent this from happening again if I do ?

and what will happen to all the other ARMA games I own under the first steam identity

this system is clearly not well thought out , and it hurts the gamer

I never believed BE could ban someone who didn't cheat and I have seen people who claim they didn't cheat and got banned - my idea should solve this issue
but it has to come as a customer request from you to BE

I would have contacted BE about my idea but they don't supply you with any reasonable way of contacting them other than the support mail that seems to be flooded and I cant get any answers from

BE do not supply you with any way of appealing their BAN
they just decide for you if you did something wrong or not - this must change
we are customers who paid money for a game

I haven't heard from BIS or BE as of opening this feature request
and im still hoping BE realize I was mistakenly banned

*honestly im more appauled at the notion im considered a cheater*

*Please make sure this gets to the highest authority / Manager *

I hope you consider working on something similar with BE - it would make the system fair while still remaining harsh on cheaters

Thanks for giving me a forum to voice my idea

Event Timeline

Bohemia edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 2 2015, 2:00 AM
Bohemia edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bohemia set Category to BattlEye.
Bohemia set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
Bohemia set Severity to None.
Bohemia set Resolution to No Bug.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 2472830067.May 8 2016, 12:28 PM

Thats why i dont use BE. Bohemia cannot do anything about it, you need to write to BE dirrectly, as this problem isnt belong to Bohemia Studio.

I get what your saying but a request like this to fix a flawed system will simply be ignored if it doesn't come from one of the customers

you have to understand , even if im unbanned (still haven't heard from them by the way)
whats to prevent this from happening again ?
I know I didn't cheat this time and I got banned
why wont they do it as many times as they see fit and without any accountability

this is a feature
I want the bans to be a tool to frighten people into behaving not preventing them from ever joining a game again

I want a system that corrects cheaters behavior but doesn't destroy any chance of this people to "rejoin society"
and it also accounts for mistakes in the system
we all know software and humans make mistakes

and the current system can make mistakes
it can have you banned for life with no chance for "parole" simply by accident

sure we don't want cheaters in the game
but a one year ban is enough

if you misbehave you will find yourself year after year being unable to play
but if you decide to behave

you can still return and play the game the way it should be played

in addition , people make mistakes

I heard of people who simple had cheat engine open while they were playing arma (it was left open from another game or it was used in single player , stuff like that)
and they get banned

I heard of a guy who left some memory cleaner open and since it reads memory it was considered hacking

that's a mistake , not a cheater

either way they both claim they didn't mean it , lets assume for a second they arnet lying ( I know im not lying and im banned)

I didn't believe them then , now I know I should have

why should they be punished forever ? and in future games they haven't even seen yet ?

the feature must come from BIS to BE or it wont happen

and it must happen for a more fair enviorment that understand the flaws in both gamers and in the protection software

by the way there are almost no co-op servers without BE and I only play co-op (another good reason not to cheat)