Helicopter controls exploit.
Switching controls of the helicopter from Pilot to Copilot/Gunner.
Pilot having Normal Flight Model and the Gunner/Copilot having Advanced Flight model.
Exploit 1#: Speeding up the takeoff process.
Pilot (Normal Flight Model) Unlocks controls, starts throttle.
Gunner/Copilot (Advanced Flight Model) Takes controls instantly throttles up, lifting off.
Exploit #2: Stop helicopter midair while it's falling. (After getting hit by AA's / or damaged MROT)
Pilot (Normal Flight Model) Unlocks controls, gains altitude.
Gets hit/damaged by AA (or anything else that breaks the MROT and forces the helicopter to fall)
While falling the Gunner (Advanced Flight Model) takes controls stopping the rotor from spinning (as if it spawned midair) and stops the fall for a moment.
Exploit seen from outside. (Manage to save the helicopter)
Attempts to try Exploit #1 and #2 (Doesn't work)
Gunner (Normal Flight Model)
Pilot (Advanced Flight Model)