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must be closed {F26591}


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mickeymen set Category to Other.Jul 12 2015, 10:33 AM
mickeymen set Reproducibility to Always.
mickeymen set Severity to None.
mickeymen set Resolution to Fixed.
mickeymen set Legacy ID to 403323888.May 8 2016, 12:21 PM

Titan AP is wireguided so fire and aim where you want to hit it. There is no problem so close the ticket

BTW the accuracy is extremly high my best hit was on 1.5 km right on the body

"BTW the accuracy is extremly high my best hit was on 1.5 km right on the body"

Nonsense. Try several times my repro mission! One shot flies at one point, another shot flies over 100-200 meters further and etc! Sometimes the missile begins to circle in the air, for the unknown reason, and is generally unable to fall to the ground. She is circling in the air for 10 seconds! before it hits the ground. Crazy behavour

First learn how wire guided missles work then think about what happens when there is a tree or another obstacle and then you only have to train how to aim the missle. But all points that you mention are not bugs they are features of realism. So there is no need of an overwok or bug fixing.

Give me a sec i will make a video of how to do that

"Give me a sec i will make a video of how to do that"


"But all points that you mention are not bugs they are features of realism"
AI always not used it, this is also features of realism?

"First learn how wire guided missles work"
AP-Missile not guided missles, because It cannot capture the target(T-Key)

Yeah that means you dont know how wire guided works. You dont lock at all, the rockets fly where your crosshair is. They allways fly to the point the laucher system is giving them (over the wire). So you fire (best is in scope) and place the crosshair on target and wait.

What you mean is FF(fire and forget)like the javelin where you lock fire and the missle finds its way

Pls close the ticket

Thank you my friend you explained to me how it works! I was wrong and didn't know what the missile can be controlled during the flight!

However, I would not have closed this issue and renamed something like "AI never uses AP-Missile". If you remove all comments, I will delete my comments and then I can rename this issue

The AI is using it its just really rare. The weapon is marked as anti personell in its values but AI will use it when all other ammo is left

"The AI is using it its just really rare"
Are you sure about that? I've never seen this. Also I've never seen what the AI used AP-Missile from RPG-42 against infantry

They do but the problem is only when all other ammo gone. but this problem is already in other Tickets