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Application load error Q:0000065432
Assigned, WishlistPublic


I can't play ARMA 3, all it does is showing the described error-popups after about 6 seconds.
RPT-logs are not being created.
Crash-dumps are not being created, as well.

If I start STEAM with admin rights, the error popup shows instantly, instead of the delay I wrote about.


Steps I tried as a workaround:

  • Checking local files through STEAM.
  • Starting STEAM with Admin rights
  • Starting ARMA 3 through the ARMA3.exe directly (with and without admin rights) : will only show the Application load error Q:0000065432 {F26589}


Legacy ID
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce

Starting ARMA 3 through clicking the game on the STEAM library, then clicking "LAUNCH" on the launcher causes the game to show an error-popup which is stating:

Application load error Q:0000065432

Clicking "OK" shows the popup copied under additional information below.

Additional Information

Ungewöhnlicher Prozessabbruch
Seems to be similar to this ticket:


Arma 3 wurde auf ungewöhnliche Weise beendet. Info:

Abbruchcode: 0x00000051 / 81
Grund: unknown
Dauer: ~ 00:00:06.4 Sekunden

Das Spiel wurde mit folgenden Parametern gestartet:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe

-skipintro -nosplash -mod=

Event Timeline

SINE edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 12 2015, 12:40 AM
SINE edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
SINE set Category to Error Message.
SINE set Reproducibility to Always.
SINE set Severity to None.
SINE set Resolution to Open.
SINE set Legacy ID to 2906914192.May 8 2016, 12:21 PM
SINE added a subscriber: SINE.
SINE added a comment.Jul 12 2015, 12:41 AM

It might be interesting to add, that my ARMA 3 worked on the very same system, before.
All I did was not playing for a few months (about 5 months), after re-installing it today, this error pops up.

Adam added a comment.Jul 13 2015, 7:54 AM

Hello, you are experiencing unusual prcosss exits. Few thing that could fix the issue can be found here:

SINE added a comment.Jul 13 2015, 2:10 PM

Thanks. I have read your link before posting my issue, it doesn't help me.