Since the recent attempt to fix the AI being unable to reverse commanding the tank has become extremely unpredictable at best.
Even worse the vehicle will randomly launch itself 20-30 meters and sometimes flipping over.
Since the recent attempt to fix the AI being unable to reverse commanding the tank has become extremely unpredictable at best.
Even worse the vehicle will randomly launch itself 20-30 meters and sometimes flipping over.
Place a tracked vehicle on VR map.
First try and get it to turn right or left using A/D keys, you should notice that they are now the wrong way around.
Now take it for a drive sometimes the keys sort themselves out and then get mixed up again.
Sometimes when you tell it to go forward it will turn 90deg before heading off in that direction.
Other times it just keeps turning left and right on it's own.
Getting the vehicle to jump or flip is hit and miss sometimes it takes ages and lots of different key strokes other times it does it after two or three.
I didn't notice this behaviour in previous version but as I'd given up testing the Command it may have been broken before.
It will take someone with the stable version to check the behaviour.
This seems to be fixed in today's build.
Controls are working and I didn't see any flipping out.
Vehicles still launch themselves at described values and cannot reverse in most situations