On Altis i made a little test of how many units could my Computer handle before it would drop below 30 fps. There are only AI Soldiers standing around with no Task. I can't even make out the full gear of the Soldiers from that distance. If I change from ultra object settings to low settings i gene 4 fps. That indicates to me that the soldiers don't even have a lod system on this distance. I only gene more fps if they are 500 meters away and i´m on low object details, on high there is no change in fps at all. Witch, again indicates that there is no lod for Soldiers for 50 to 300 meters in the game.Wenn you look at the screenshoot on the pictures i made, you will see that there is no difference between the low object and the high setting on Soldiers.
Ultra Objects:
Low Objects:
A seprate slider for Soldier LoD would be a good fps boost for multiplayer. Because your Computer wouldn't´t have to render the hole 80 units in full gear over a 1Km bobble.
You can´t even make out the details of the total gear of an Soldier when he is 50 meter away, on ultra object settings!(with no scope) You don´t have to get rid of the soldiers gear just reduce the polycount from 50 to 100, 200, 300 meters stage wise. So that way i only get a extreme fps drop if all 80 soldiers would stand right next to me.