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mid-game crashes since 1.46 hotfix
Closed, ResolvedPublic


OK GENTLEMEN, with and without mods single player, multiplayer and while in the editor. since the june 8 update 1.46 and the hotfix days later. i am continuing to get random crashes to the desktop. with the error arma 3 has stopped working. i have cleared space on my hard drive for vram. swapped ram cards out. (being a mobile warrior i am constantly changing ips. hotel connections mostly with 1 mps and higher download and upload speeds.) disabled malloc. turned off HT. checked with ips for issues there. every checking with the IT depts in some of the better hotels i stay at. most of which i have stayed at before and had no issues in the past. i am at a loss of what to try next.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

df223cwo3 set Category to General.Jun 22 2015, 4:51 AM
df223cwo3 set Reproducibility to Random.
df223cwo3 set Severity to None.
df223cwo3 set Resolution to Open.
df223cwo3 set Legacy ID to 699960604.May 8 2016, 12:16 PM
Adam added a comment.Jun 22 2015, 7:52 AM


thank you for the response. However, we cannot determine what exactly caused your game to crash. It is necessary you tried to run your Arma without any mods. If the crashes still happen then, please send another crashdumps.

If the crashes stop (on Arma without mods), please try to activate mods one by one until you find out which one causes the crashes.

Mods are not official content from Bohemia Interactive and it is very likely that the CTDs you are experiencing are caused by collisions between two or more mods.

Please let us know, thank you.

i will start experimenting and let you know. thank you for looking at the crash dumps even if it does not show anything helpful at this time.

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:40 PM