Updated to 1.46 and followed advised instructions to varify Game files and restart Steam Client.
Started up ARMA 3 Launcher and clicked "play" button.
Game startup begins, starts loading BattlEye and crashes with "0xc000009a / -1073741670" error stating that the file 'PhysX3_x86.dll' has been blocked by battlEye.
Removing the tick box starting BattlEye up with the launcher allows the game to start up but clicking into a Multiplayer server forces BattlEye to startup with a game restart which results in the game crashing with the above error code.
Deleting the PhysX3_x86.dll file results in the game not running at all, Re-vairifying game files through Steam reinstalls the missing file and returns to the same error.
Downloading the latest client files and BE service from the BE support website does not solve the issue.
Clean reinstall of the game does not work, neither does deleting the player profile under the C drive User area.
All .exe files are run as administrator.
NVidia latest drivers installed 353.06