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Arma 3 has quit in unusual manner
Closed, ResolvedPublic


My arma crashes:

I join a server, select a slot, then i get this error:

I sometimes manage to get into a game, but after about 15mins, it crashes again with the same error message.

I've tried verifying my arma, restarting etc everything. It looks likes its broken.

It's extremely annoying.

Exit code: 0x000000FF / 255
Reason: unknown

This is what it says in event viewer at the time of crash:


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Join a server, select a slot then it crashes.

Or be in the server, after about 15 mins, it crashes again

Additional Information

Event Timeline

simpson317 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
simpson317 set Category to Game Crash.
simpson317 set Reproducibility to Always.
simpson317 set Severity to None.
simpson317 set Resolution to Open.
simpson317 set Legacy ID to 4088198260.May 8 2016, 12:04 PM
Adam added a comment.May 11 2015, 3:38 PM

Thank you for reporting the issue.
We need crash dump files from this folder to analyze your problem.
C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\
Can you upload somewhere in winrar package, please?
Archive smaller than 5000 KB can be attached directly to the ticket. For bigger archives, please use some free sharing service and post link here.

How to find correct crashdump file:
Try to make the crash happen
Look into crashdump folder
Upload crashdump with latest date in name (crashdump is rpt + bidmp + mdmp file with same name). Please try to provide as many crashdumps as possible, it helps us investigating the problem in a big way.

Thank you.

I've uploaded adam, think thats the right stuff

Adam added a comment.May 12 2015, 2:11 PM

it is possible that some of your hardware is corrupted and is causing trouble under a full load. It is also possible that you have not experienced this with other games, Arma 3 more performance demanding than most of the today's games. I would suggest to run a couple of heavy benchmarks to see if the problems occur as well.
The most suitable for you could be:
Please run these benchmarks (at least one hour each without interruption) at highest possible settings. Then you will see if your hardware is showing incorrect behaviour under heavy stress or not.
Thank you very much.

Adam added a comment.May 13 2015, 3:52 PM

Hello, we are currently investigating the issue. Could you please provide us your dxdiag so we can make sure its not drivers related? You can find how to get your dxdiag file here:

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:41 PM