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Wrong names for RPG-42,Titan, NLAW ammo in Russian local
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That's better, but there are still some mistakes after Arma 3 update.

(Name / Type / Mark)

Rename pls:

Противопехотная ракета Титан / Противопехотная / ББ (wrong mark)
Противопехотная ракета Титан / Противопехотная / ПП

выстрел РПГ-42 (unstandart name)/ выстрел РПГ-42 (wrong type)/ ПТ
Противотанковый выстрел РПГ-42 / Противотанковый / ПТ

ОФ выстрел РПГ-42 (unstandart name)/ ОФ выстрел РПГ-42 (wrong type)/ ОФ (wrong mark)
Противопехотный выстрел РПГ-42 / Противопехотный / ПП

Граната для NLAW (unstandart name)/ выстрел для NLAW (wrong type)/ ПТ
Противотанковый выстрел NLAW / Противотанковый / ПТ

Mark is an abbreviation from type! {F26213} {F26214} {F26215}


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Triada set Category to Localization.May 6 2015, 2:10 PM
Triada set Reproducibility to Always.
Triada set Severity to None.
Triada set Resolution to Fixed.
Triada set Legacy ID to 2032789617.May 8 2016, 12:02 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Triada.May 6 2015, 2:10 PM
Triada added a comment.May 7 2015, 5:14 PM

Falagor! Where are you?

Triada added a comment.May 8 2015, 8:39 AM

I don't understand ho is change to "assigned" and responsibility to falagor this issue, I didn't do that, it is site error

Triada added a comment.May 8 2015, 8:40 AM

I think that falagor didn't see this issue!

I see the issue, I however do not have time to respond immediately. You have to be patient. Anyway - are you able to provide string IDs / keys of individual texts (for the mistakes you have reported)? That would make our situation easier. Those screenshots you have provided - is it one screenshot per once mistake you reported?

I don't know IDs and keys.
"Those screenshots you have provided - is it one screenshot per once mistake you reported?" - yes, it is, just about.

In screenshots 5 mistakes, in text 8 mistakes) One mistake in one (...)

I changed this:
Противопехотная ракета Титан / Противопехотная / ББ (wrong mark)
Противопехотная ракета Титан / Противопехотная / ПП

The rest cannot be changed to what you suggest due to length. The text would be too long, it would overflow or get cut. Is there any other shorter variant?

выстрел РПГ-42 (unstandart name)/ выстрел РПГ-42 (wrong type)/ ПТ
ПТ выстрел РПГ-42 / Противотанковый / ПТ

ОФ выстрел РПГ-42 (unstandart name)/ ОФ выстрел РПГ-42 (wrong type)/ ОФ (wrong mark)
ПП выстрел РПГ-42 / Противопехотный / ПП

Граната для NLAW (unstandart name)/ выстрел для NLAW (wrong type)/ ПТ
ПТ выстрел NLAW / Противотанковый / ПТ


<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_nlaw0">

<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_rpg32_aa_f0">

<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_law2">

<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_law0">

<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_law1">

Looking into this.

This variants of the name of the shels for the RPG-42:

1)"выстрел ПГ-42В" (cumulative)
2)"выстрел ОГ-42В" (antipersonnel or HE)
3)"выстрел ТБГ-42В" (thermobaric)

Sorry, I don't have enough information from this report, and as I don't speak Russian, I cannot change anything just like that. I cannot find a lot of this text you marked as wrong.

What I need from you:

  1. String/key ID (like <Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_nlaw0">
  2. What text is in this string/key ID
  3. Correct text to change it to


  1. <Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_nlaw0">
  2. выстрел РПГ-42
  3. ПТ выстрел РПГ-42

I cannot change anything without having all of this information - I need precisely the string/key ID to change and the correct text assigned to this string, otherwise I might change something wrong. Thank you very much for providing these.

Take a look at Attached Files, i attached pictures there.

Thanks, that might help. I'll see what we can do here.

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_nlaw0">
2)Граната для NLAW
3)ПТ выстрел NLAW

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_nlaw1">
2)Тип: выстрел для NLAW<br />Кол-во: 1<br />Применение: NLAW
3)Тип: Противотанковый<br />Кол-во: 1<br />Применение: NLAW

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_rpg32_aa_f0">
2)ОФ выстрел РПГ-42
3)ПП выстрел РПГ-42

(and the abbreviation (top-right corner) for "ПП выстрел РПГ-42" must be "ПП" instead "ОФ")

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_law2">
2)Тип: ОФ выстрел РПГ-42<br />Кол-во: 1<br />Применение: РПГ-42
3)Тип: Противопехотный<br />Кол-во: 1<br />Применение: РПГ-42

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_law0">
2)выстрел РПГ-42
3)ПТ выстрел РПГ-42

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_law1">
2)Тип: выстрел РПГ-42<br />Кол-во: 1<br />Применение: РПГ-42
3)Тип: Противотанковый<br />Кол-во: 1<br />Применение: РПГ-42

Inventory with NLAW missil.jpg - wrong!!!
not "многоцелевой"!! --> "противотанковый" (ПТ - is abbreviation from type: "Противотанковый" already!)

Аламут.jpg - wrong!!!
ПТ - is abbreviation from type: "Противотанковый" it's type, it's not the Redux ammo name "ПГ-42В"

Аламут тбг-42.jpg - wrong!!!
ОФ - is abbreviation from type: "Осколочно-фугасный" it's type, it's not the Redux ammo name "ТБГ-42В"

Ребята, мне кажется, вы какую-то отсебятину городите. Никаких "ПГ-42В" и "ТБГ-42В" в игре нету. Переведено все как и в оригинале. Читайте что написано в строке <Original>.

Нам надо чтобы эти названия отображались у игроков в инвентаре и верхнем правом углу во время игры.

  1. Ok, I changed this, exactly as it is written:

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_nlaw0">
2)Граната для NLAW
3)ПТ выстрел NLAW

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_nlaw1">
2)Тип: выстрел для NLAW
Кол-во: 1
Применение: NLAW
3)Тип: Противотанковый
Кол-во: 1
Применение: NLAW

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_rpg32_aa_f0">
2)ОФ выстрел РПГ-42
3)ПП выстрел РПГ-42

(and the abbreviation (top-right corner) for "ПП выстрел РПГ-42" must be "ПП" instead "ОФ")

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_law2">
2)Тип: ОФ выстрел РПГ-42
Кол-во: 1
Применение: РПГ-42
3)Тип: Противопехотный
Кол-во: 1
Применение: РПГ-42

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_law0">
2)выстрел РПГ-42
3)ПТ выстрел РПГ-42

1)<Key ID="str_a3_cfgmagazines_law1">
2)Тип: выстрел РПГ-42
Кол-во: 1
Применение: РПГ-42
3)Тип: Противотанковый
Кол-во: 1
Применение: РПГ-42

  1. I did not change this:

Inventory with NLAW missil.jpg - wrong!!!
not "многоцелевой"!! --> "противотанковый" (ПТ - is abbreviation from type: "Противотанковый" already!)

Аламут.jpg - wrong!!!
ПТ - is abbreviation from type: "Противотанковый" it's type, it's not the Redux ammo name "ПГ-42В" - THIS WILL STAY ПТ (Anti-Tank)

Аламут тбг-42.jpg - wrong!!!
ОФ - is abbreviation from type: "Осколочно-фугасный" it's type, it's not the Redux ammo name "ТБГ-42В" - THIS WILL STAY ОФ (High-Explosive)

These stay as they currently are.

This should be fixed after the next update. Please test it afterwards and let me know if it already is OK.

!!! Now I am happy with

The "ПП" name exist only for mines. The shell named "ОФ" was correct.

redux: Are you sure that it should be named "ОФ"? What about Triada, do you agree?

Just now we have two almost identical names, differing by the very similar letter "T". It will be very uncomfortable if you choose by scrolling the mouse wheel.

Ok, so what do you suggest? But is the current version wrong, or just uncomfortable?


"Аламут тбг-42.jpg - wrong!!!
ОФ - is abbreviation from type: "Осколочно-фугасный" it's type, it's not the Redux ammo name "ТБГ-42В" - THIS WILL STAY ОФ (High-Explosive)"

??? ОФ!!! ???

as i say must "ПП" - it is abbreviation from type "Противопехотный"

1)<Key ID=???>

Redux, "ОФ" - not correct for fiction ammo named "ПП выстрел РПГ-42", or change all the ammo classification in game, or not try
По русски, не надо опять ломать всю систему классификации в игре, если уж она имеет простое разделение на два типа "ПП" и "ПТ" то пусть так и остаётся, "правильные названия" пусть делают в модах типа РХС

Ok, the last issue with ПП instead of ОФ should be solved by changing STR_A3_CfgMagazines_50Rnd_120mm_Mo_shells_dns.

Please test it after the next update.

1.54 - very good!

Good! Thank you for your help!