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Some soldiers in the squad are no has personal icons!
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Some soldiers in the players squad are no has personal icons.
For example this is: sniper, rifleman, ammo bearer, UAV operator.
Plese make personal icon for each subordinate soldiers, this necessary for the convenience of the player commander, because the commander must distinguish these soldiers during the order. {F26174}


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Ingame UI
Additional Information

BIS, you have added an icon for Missile Specialists, but not added to Ammo Bearer, sniper, rifleman, UAV-operator. I may not have listed every!
Please do icon for everyone unit in the player squad!

Event Timeline

mickeymen edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Apr 27 2015, 12:44 AM
mickeymen set Category to Ingame UI.
mickeymen set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
mickeymen set Severity to None.
mickeymen set Resolution to Open.
mickeymen set Legacy ID to 3945786183.May 8 2016, 12:00 PM
mickeymen edited a custom field.
Adam added a comment.Apr 27 2015, 11:48 AM

Thank you for your feedback.

This issue has been scheduled for a fix.

BIS, you have added an icon for Missile Specialists, but not added to Ammo Bearer, sniper, rifleman, UAV-operator. I may not have listed every!
Please do icon for everyone unit.
The soldier, which has no personal icons, is confuses the player