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inputAction "Adjust" no more available since 1.42 [Non resolved]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Function inputAction doesn't fire anymore for "adjust" (left ctrl) (or right)
I haven't tried all inputactions bindings Some still works fine as "prevAction" & "nextAction"

You should do something for this function. All addons scripted with "adjust" inputaction doesn't work properly anymore!


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

in debug console, write:
0 = [] spawn {while {true} do {if (inputAction "adjust" > 0) then {hint "ok"}; sleep 0.1}}

Same line works with prevAction, nextAction

Additional Information

inputAction "Adjust" remains no more available, what new profile and standard preset controls you choose (arma3 or arma3 alternative)!
No addons, just test in debug console.

Event Timeline

PiepMGI edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 9 2015, 6:24 PM
PiepMGI edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
PiepMGI set Category to Controls.
PiepMGI set Reproducibility to Always.
PiepMGI set Severity to None.
PiepMGI set Resolution to Duplicate.
PiepMGI set Legacy ID to 269170702.May 8 2016, 11:52 AM
PiepMGI added a subscriber: PiepMGI.

ADAM, that's the problem when you close or mark as duplicate too fast, without reading and let a chance to understand. And this topic is so old!
We want our key "Adjust" back! That means striking "control". It was so useful for so many addons, not only for stance:
In other words, as already written, (my duplicated, resolved) issues will be solved when anybody could check:

0 = [] spawn {while {true} do {if (inputAction "adjust" > 0) then {hint "ok"}; sleep 0.1}}

Bring back as described here:, no matter all the reasons found by scripters. By the way, Right ctrl should work also. It was the case!