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mouse is moving jet in the map window
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I set my jet controls on my Mouse.
During the flight when i open the Map to set a marker, the mouse is still controlling the jet and i crash most of the time.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. set jet contols on mouse
  2. fly a jet
  3. open map midflight
  4. move mouse
  5. (crash)
Additional Information

my helicopter movements are also on the mouse, its no problem there!?

Event Timeline

MrBiggusDickus edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
MrBiggusDickus set Category to Controls.
MrBiggusDickus set Reproducibility to Always.
MrBiggusDickus set Severity to None.
MrBiggusDickus set Resolution to Open.
MrBiggusDickus set Legacy ID to 1981891411.May 8 2016, 11:51 AM
Adam added a comment.Apr 8 2015, 12:50 PM


I'm unable to reproduce your issue could you plese provide more info? Thank you for your feedback.

Was on an Invade&Annex Server (IP:
nose up - mouse down (only)
nose down - mouse up (only)
roll left - mouse left (only)
roll right - mouse right (only)
Headtracking (Freetrack) on/off same problem
Mouse: Logitech G5
I set a marker with (Shift+LMB) and when I press (M) to exit the map, I'm facing the ground and crash.

Adam added a comment.Apr 8 2015, 1:20 PM

Did it happen once or does it always happen when flying in a jet with map open?

I flew cas-jets for the last two days and it happened always during those two days.
I'm usually chopper pilot, no problem there.

Adam added a comment.Apr 8 2015, 1:39 PM

i'm still unable to reproduce your issue. Please try reproducing it on Steam Dev or wait until stable branch update drops today and reproduce it there. Thanks

"roger that" thanks

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.May 20 2020, 3:44 PM