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German translation of launcher mistakes #2
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The following terms or phrases were translated wrong into German:

  1. "Advanced" was translated "Geskripted", but should be "Erweitert" (two places)
  1. When you modify the mod folders to include mods automatically, the bottom sentence "Some mods were recently auto-added" was only partially translated into "Some mods were recently automatisch-dabei"; this should be translated with "Einige Mods wurden kürzlich <automatisch hinzugefügt>" ("automatisch-dabei" is rubbish)
  1. In the mod list, the same issue, it lists automatically added mods with green font "automatisch-dabei", but should be "automatisch hinzugefügt"
  1. If you start the game in the Mods menu, its overridden and blocked with the sentence "Bitte beenden Sie Arma 3 um Ihre Modifikationen zu verwalten"; this sentence is cut off - either reduce the font size or shorten the sentence into "Bitte Arma 3 beenden um Modifikationen zu verwalten"


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Start launcher in German language, click on "Geskripted" and you will find a second "Geskripted" in the submenu

2.+3. Becomes apparent when you click "Mods" and add folders containing mods for the first time

  1. Shows when you start the game in the "Mods" tab

Event Timeline

Fireball edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 7 2015, 10:40 PM
Fireball set Category to Launcher.
Fireball set Reproducibility to Always.
Fireball set Severity to None.
Fireball set Resolution to Fixed.
Fireball set Legacy ID to 1866101266.May 8 2016, 11:51 AM

Thank you very much, your help is most appreciated.

Fixed what I could, thank you.