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Arma III has stopped working
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Yesterday I bought your product, Arma III. Since then I have been experiencing
crashes, it just kicks me out of the game and the window saying "arma III has
stopped working" shows up.

The error showed up in multiple occasions. It crashed twice while I was playing
"tutorial" in learn part, crashed 3 times while I was playing multiplayer.

The install should be legit, since I installed it via steam. Here is dxdiag
file if it can help.

Since the zip file with crashes is too big for upload, I will provide dropbox link

Looking forward resolving the issue and thanks in advance,

Gvozden Kuzman


Legacy ID
Game Crash

Event Timeline

gankaloth set Category to Game Crash.Apr 7 2015, 2:01 AM
gankaloth set Reproducibility to N/A.
gankaloth set Severity to None.
gankaloth set Resolution to Fixed.
gankaloth set Legacy ID to 1142366673.May 8 2016, 11:50 AM
gankaloth edited a custom field.
Vitdom added a subscriber: Vitdom.May 8 2016, 11:50 AM

A major update is due tomorrow. Please switch to the RC-branch and test it, so that you are certain you'll have no issues with it. If you crash, make another issue report. Make sure to avoid disable logging, using custom allocators or community addons.

If you crash, upload the .RPT, .BIDMP and .MDMP files from your AppData\Local\Arma 3 directory.

Steam>Arma 3>Properties>Betas>Enter "Arma3Marksmen142RC".

Adam added a comment.Apr 7 2015, 1:17 PM

The crashing is most probably caused by Asus OSD & Asus Smart Doctor. Try uninstalling the following software and the game should stop crashing.

Thank you.

Yeah, doing that fixed the problem! It runs perfectly now!

Thanks for helping out, good luck and best regards,

Gvozden Kuzman