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Bug commanding IA and gruond
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[Google trasnlate]Hi.1-IA and most often ignores,do what they want,are useless and then you can not play or give orders.(which is the grace of the game SP)

This is already happening came a while back,,happens very often and is a pit.

And second,the ground moves and makes a strange effect textures,,when the soldier crawling along the ground.

[Spanish]1-La IA no hace caso la mayoria de las veces,ya sea "SP" o "MP coop",y hacen lo que quieren, son inútiles,o se quedan parados,lo cual no se puede dar ordenes como es debido,(Que es la gracia del juego SP),el medico no hace caso o no reparan los vehiculos o se quedan parados.Es una lástimna de verad,haber si se soluciona con una futura actualizaciñon.

Esto ya está sucediendo llegó hace un tiempo,, sucede muy a menudo.

Y en segundo lugar, los movimientos del suelo,cuando el soldado esta en el suelo o terreno hace un extraño efecto texturas y un movimiento extraño
cuando el soldado que se arrastran por el suelo.

Un Saludos.


Legacy ID
AI Control / Commanding
Steps To Reproduce

Event Timeline

Bohemia edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 1 2015, 8:12 PM
Bohemia set Category to AI Control / Commanding.
Bohemia set Reproducibility to Always.
Bohemia set Severity to None.
Bohemia set Resolution to Open.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 3705412188.May 8 2016, 11:48 AM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.

As if passing a fly :-(.
or is this normal?

Yes no, remove the IA and the command interface to give orders, because I tell you or arrange or all it does is hinder or not to complete missions ETC.

Adam added a comment.Apr 2 2015, 10:18 AM


It is not really clear what issues you are experiencing with the AI could you please provide more info? The ground glitch is not a bug.

Thank you for your feedback

Perfect, as soon as possible, I will provide you a better translation and a video IA and movement of ground.

The Best Regards.

The AI don't obey when you make orders like, heal myself, heal others players. Also it don't repair vehicles, doing nothing at this time, simply standing. This occurs at campaign or cooperative multiplayer.
It's a shame because that's the point of the game. And sometimes you can't complete missions because as I say before, Al don't obey.

The Al is useless, and destroy the game experience,command options are useless.

Vitdom added a subscriber: Vitdom.May 8 2016, 11:48 AM

Unless you can supply reproduction steps I'd say you are using game-breaking addons or don't know how to do what you are having issues with.

Hello Vitdom.No, I do not use any mod nor addonn,I have only the DLC addonn of Bohemia Interactive,simply.

This happens a lot in Missions MP escape altis and Stratis or any heading coop if you want to handle the IA

there comes a time that bugean and ignores.


Adam added a comment.Apr 7 2015, 9:03 AM

ould you please upload a simple repro mission displaying the problem? It would be a big help.

Thank you.

When will I,see it I will try to record.

One could also include command "move fast" in IA.

And finally you have a commnad suppression fire, action which do not work in any way.(and is very important action that brings the game)

Adam to you a greeting!

These two things should be added please.
I want to use this actions this game