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Backpacks are forgotten when ammunition is set to zero (unit edit)
Assigned, WishlistPublic


Units with backpack keep some magazines, grenades, explosives when ammunition is set to zero in this edit unit field.
The fact is some of these units can still fire primary weapon with ammunition set to zero: Units who initially have primary weapon mags in backpack (as divers).


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

open editor
place a units with backpack and set ammunition to 0 in unit edit. It works also with player.
Access to their inventories (killing them or else).
uniforms keep a firstAidKit, vests are emptied, backpacks are full of ammos.
Some of them seem to be filled with uniform or vest magazines.

Additional Information

Best example could be a diver.
He has now a backpack filled with explosives, 5.56 magazines (30Rnd and 20Rnd dual purpose), grenades. The difference, between ammunition sets to 0 or 1, is that backpack contains one 5.56 magazine less but more chemlights in case of ammo 0.

Event Timeline

PiepMGI edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 30 2015, 11:33 PM
PiepMGI edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
PiepMGI set Category to Inventory.
PiepMGI set Reproducibility to Always.
PiepMGI set Severity to None.
PiepMGI set Resolution to Open.
PiepMGI set Legacy ID to 3824646164.May 8 2016, 11:47 AM
PiepMGI edited a custom field.