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The AI stops at the point of SEEK AND DESTROY, not moving, not try find enemy(2-video)
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


The AI does not behave properly, if the player uses in the editor the waypoint called "SEEK AND DESTROY". Before, I reported this here:

But the AI is not only not penetrates into the building, this AI stops at the this point! As we can see in the following video examples:

Sometimes the AI stops in not dangerous mode, sometimes he still sees the danger, raising the weapon, but stops any movement/

Please create a simulation of human behavior. What we see in the video example, similar to the behavior of stupid robots, but not humans.
If the AI uses waypoint, which named - "SEEK AND DESTROY", then the AI must not stop, he has to constantly move around and try find the enemy!


Legacy ID
AI Issues
Additional Information

related to:

I think the AI needs to keep moving and look for no less than 30-40 minutes, occasionally stopping at only few tens of seconds.
Only this behavior will be adequate if the AI uses waypoint which called SEEK AND DESTROY.

Event Timeline

mickeymen edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mar 21 2015, 2:48 PM
mickeymen set Category to AI Issues.
mickeymen set Reproducibility to Always.
mickeymen set Severity to None.
mickeymen set Resolution to Open.
mickeymen set Legacy ID to 2584604899.May 8 2016, 11:43 AM
Adam added a comment.Mar 25 2015, 11:39 AM


thank you for submitting the ticket. I have cannot reproduce the issue you are describing above. Could you please upload a simple repro mission displaying the problem? It would be a big help.

Thank you.

I use all the same mission, which has already passed you before.
I recorded the game to show you.
Please attentively look here:
or try my mission.

In this mission, AI-Squad should leave out the APC Marid and must find the enemy in the given point which called "SEEK AND DESTROY".
Note the details:

  1. AI disembarking from the vehicle and not moving at a given point, the AI is looking elsewhere and not long time!
  2. A few minutes later, the AI stops for unknown reason and ignores the specified waypoint - "SEEK AND DESTROY"!

This should not happen if the AI uses such waypoint!
The AI always should look for a very long time, without stopping the movement.
Why it stops!?
Please make the behavior of the AI is more than adequate, according to the specific waypoint.
Unfortunately the AI is poorly performs a "SEEK AND DESTROY" waypoint.
The AI is not search the enemy inside of buildings and AI stops moving, some time later.
Sometimes the AI stops in not dangerous mode(my-video example), sometimes he still sees the danger, raising the weapon, but stops any movement/

Maybe the AI has a time limit to use the movement for searching?
In this case it is necessary to force the AI to use the search very long time, without interruption when moving.

PS: I don't use any AI-modding. I just use the sound mod.

Adam added a comment.Mar 26 2015, 10:22 AM


Could you please try to make the repro mission simpler? Also try switching to steam Dev if the issue is present there.

You can find how to change to Steam Dev here:

"Could you please try to make the repro mission simpler?"
Ok I will try.

"try switching to steam Dev if the issue is present there."
I don't want to use the Dev version due to instability and the possibility of the presence of some errors.

I created a simple mission.
Try load here:

I record everything that happened in the game.
Please attentively look this video:

Thus, The AI should disembark from a APC Marid and have to find and destroy the enemy at a given point. This is primary objective!
But unfortunately the AI in the game is dumb, because the behavior of the AI does not match the specified waypoint. Note this!

After disembarking from APC the AI is very bad and slowly moved, he reached one point (between two buildings) and stopped for a long time!
It look as if like a stupid robot broke down and for this reason has stopped! Why did he stop, if the position of the enemy is already visible!?
Alleluia! After a some time the AI still managed moves and destroyed the enemy soldiers, but later the AI(who needs to search!) stopped and didn't move anymore! The player is hiding in the building! I know that AI is not looking for the enemy inside buildings(issue № 0022414), but even if not, why the search stopped on the street!???
What the player sees!?
Summary result: SEVERAL SOLDiERS BURiED HER FACE iNTO THE WALL, THE REMAiNiNG SOLDIERS JUST STOPPED iN HiS PLACE. This looks very bad, watch my video!

I very hope BIS understands that this behavior of the AI is stupid and does not meet the waypoint called SEEK AND DESTROY! First of all, the AI should be seek enemy and don't stop moving in a radius from a given point for a long time!!!
I think the AI needs to keep moving and look for no less than 30-40 minutes, occasionally stopping at only few tens of seconds.
Only this behavior will be adequate if the AI uses waypoint which called SEEK AND DESTROY.
Please Fix this finally!